Main : Products :: Aerosol fire extinguishers ::: With injection cooling :::: AGS-7/2

Fire Extinguishing Aerosol Generator AGS-7/2

Designed for generating gas-aerosol mixture at concentrations required to stop a fire. It is recommended to form fire-extinguishing systems for premises of average volumes.

Question to purchase

The generator consists of a cylinder with a metal case, which is located at the end of the nozzle cover. Due to the injector that is mounted on the generator, the aerosol and air begins to mix, which significantly reduces the temperature of the gas-aerosol spray.

Principle of operation:

By applying an electrical or thermal pulse on node startup, a solid aerosol charge is ignited. Products of combustion pass through the nozzle on the cover of the generator, and the aerosol enters the designated area.

Manufacturer's warranty:

The manufacturer guarantees the generator to the technical requirements and Russian standards if the consumer follows the conditions specified in the instruction manual.

The warranty period for the generator - 18 months.

Period - 5 years.

Service life - 10 years.

Activation units

* Type the activation unit selected by the customer and installed in the generator

Maximum protected volume conditionally sealed room
(d * <0,001 m-1)

134 m3

Curb weight of the generator

10.8 kg

Weight of the aerosol charge

6,9 kg

Working time




205 mm


495 mm with an injector

Activation unit

BP-7.5-7.5 VRTH


Resistance of the activation unit

7.5±0.8 ohm

2.5 – 4 ohms

Minimum start-up current

0.4 А

Starting voltage


1.5 – 24

The duration of the trigger pulse

not less than 1.5 sec

not less than 0.1 sec

The inertia of the generator start

< 1.5 sec

Operating Conditions

Operating Temperature Range

± 50 °С.

relative humidity at 25 ° C.

98 %

mechanical influences (in the frequency range up to 100 Hz)


Classes of fire-fighting

Fire extinguishing systems in archives, статьи Гранит-Саламандра
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Advantages of the aerosol fire extinguishing generator, статьи Гранит-Саламандра
Advantages of the aerosol fire extinguishing generator
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Equipment for organization of aerosol fire-extinguishing systems
Aerosol fire - the most effective way of ensuring fire safety in confined spaces. The aerosol fire extinguishing generators act as fire-fighting equipment.

Question to purchase AGS-7/2

We guarantee that the personal data you provide us will be used solely for the purposes of processing your requests. We work in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ «ABOUT PERSONAL DATA».

Mandatory field.

With injection cooling